Assistance needed in clearing a float towards the left

My unordered list is floating left and has a CSS hover menu, but it's not properly clearing the next unordered list below it. I've attempted to use clear: both without success. Any other suggestions?

I also tried using overflow auto on the div tag, but this resulted in unwanted scrollbars appearing.

You can view the issue at the following URL:

I was able to resolve the problem by using clearfix:after. Is this a reliable solution?

Here is an example of the CSS code being used for the navigation: --Important - Keeps subnav from affecting main navigation flow--/ left: 0; top: 35px; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: none; float: left; width: 190px; height: 350px; }

Answer №1

Clearfix is a reliable solution for handling layout issues, and you can learn more about it here. It's generally safe to use as long as it renders correctly in the browsers you're targeting.

In most scenarios, Clearfix does the job effectively.

Many front-end professionals endorse and utilize Clearfix, as seen in resources like HTML5 Boilerplate, which incorporates it into their standard stylesheet.

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