As you glide your cursor over the Sidebar, the text elegantly curves into view

I'm currently utilizing Chakra UI.
When I hover over the Sidebar, it expands to the right side.
However, the text gets distorted in the process.
Is there a way to widen the Sidebar without distorting the letters?
I would greatly appreciate any guidance on this issue.

      onMouseEnter={() => setState((prevState) => !prevState)}
      onMouseLeave={() => setState((prevState) => !prevState)}
      width={state ? "204px" : "44px"}
      transition={"all .2s ease"}
      <Box transition="all 0.3s">
        <HStack p={3}>
          <Flex alignItems="center">
              display={state ? "none" : "inline-block"}
              transition="all 0.3s ease-in-out"
              display={state ? "inline-block" : "none"}
          <Text display={state ? "inline-block" : "none"} fontSize="xs">
        <VStack mt={3} spacing={0}>
          <Box _hover={{ backgroundColor: "gray.200" }} width="full">
                <HStack p={3}>
                  <BiSearchAlt />
                  <Text display={state ? "inline-block" : "none"}>
                    search Page
      <VStack mb={2} spacing={0}>
        <Box mb={2} px={3} width="full">
          <Divider borderColor="gray.300" />
        <Box _hover={{ backgroundColor: "gray.200" }} p={3} width="full">
            <Image src={""} width="24px" />
            <Text display={state ? "inline-block" : "none"}>
              My Page Setting

Answer №1

In order to avoid text wrapping, include the whiteSpace="nowrap" and overflow="hidden" attributes in your <Text /> components.

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