As the screen size shrinks, two components merge together

One issue I'm facing with my site is the component called NavPanel. This consists of two components - a back button (BackToButton) and a search field (SearchTextField). Everything looks fine on a standard screen size, but when the screen size decreases, these components start to overlap.

I would prefer it if the second component (SearchTextField) could be positioned under the first one (BackToButton) when the screen size is reduced. Do you have any suggestions on how I can achieve this?

    const Style = {
    paddingLeft: '8%',
    paddingRight: '8%',
    minHeight: '70px',
    alignItems: 'center',
    flexWrap: 'nowrap',
    whiteSpace: 'nowrap'

export default function NavPanel() {
    return (
        <Grid container sx={Style}>
            <BackToButton />
            <SearchTextField />

Answer ā„–1

Here is the solution...

You may need to revisit your implementation of the grid.

Check out the modified code snippet here.





To resolve the issue, consider changing the breakpoint from sm to md. This adjustment will affect the stacking order of elements like PageNameBackToButton and FilterButtonSearchTextField, but it will prevent scenario A.

View the revised snippet here.

PageNameBackToButton Component

// Code for PageNameBackToButton component
// ...

FilterButtonSearchTextField Component

// Code for FilterButtonSearchTextField component
// ...

Filter Component

// Code for Filter component
// ...

Answer ā„–2

<Grid container> is essential with <Grid item>s nested inside.

Similar to Bootstrap,

Utilizing a grid system maintains consistency in layouts while providing flexibility for diverse designs. Material Design's responsive UI adopts a 12-column grid layout.

Your code snippet would resemble this:

<Grid container spacing={1} sx={Style}>
  <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}>
    <BackToButton />
  <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}>
    <SearchTextField />

I highly recommend exploring the MUI Grid Docs.

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