Arranging block-level elements in a horizontal format

In the book "CSS The definitive Guide", it is mentioned that "The values of these seven properties must add up to the width of the element’s containing block, which is usually the value of width for a block element’s parent". However, in the case provided below, the child element appears wider than its parent.


<div class="wrapper">
    <div class="content-main">
        <div class="main">This is main</div>

// style

        .wrapper {
            width: 500px;
            padding: 30px 0;
            border: 1px solid #0066cc;

        .content-main {
            padding: 0 20px;
            border: 2px solid #00CC33;

        .main {
            width: 500px;
            border: 1px solid #f00;

There are two questions that arise:

  1. What exactly does the author mean by the statement "the seven properties must add up to the width of the element’s containing block"?

  2. Why does the child element protrude from its parent in the given example?

  3. In the revised version, where the seven properties do add up correctly, why does this equation not apply to the initial example?


p.wide has a width of 438px, as calculated by the author with the following equation

10px(left margin) + 1(left border) + 0 + 438px + 0 + 1(right border) – 50px(right margin) = 400px(parent width)


  <p class="wide">A paragraph</p>
  <p>Another paragraph</p>

// CSS

div {width: 400px; border: 3px solid black;}
p.wide {
   margin-left: 10px; width: auto; margin-right: -50px;
   border: 1px solid #f00;

Answer №1

What is the significance of the statement "seven properties must add up to the width of the element’s containing block"?

The author is explaining the CSS Box Model. In this context, when using div elements, which are inherently block level, they occupy the entire horizontal space by default unlike span, i, or b tags that are inline elements.

When adding padding or border, they are included outside the element, not within it. For instance, if you have an element sized 100x100 and add a padding like

element {
   width: 100px;
   height: 100px;
   padding: 10px;

In this case, your element will be 120x120 because it adds a padding of 10px on all four sides of the element.

Explanation of padding syntax

There are two different padding syntaxes as follows...

padding: 30px 0; in .wrapper and padding: 0 20px; in .content-main, these are not equivalent.

Both of the above syntaxes are shorthand versions of padding. The complete version looks like...

padding: 5px 10px 15px 20px; /*This is just a demo */

In the above example, you proceed clockwise with the values - 5px for top, then right, next bottom, and finally left as 20px.

When only two parameters are defined, it means...

padding: 0 20px;
top bottom/left right

Hence, top and bottom are set to 0 while right and left are set to 20px respectively...

Understanding the CSS

Note: The height of none of the elements is explicitly set, so the screen views provided ahead are computed. Disregard the height for now in those screenshots.

.wrapper {
    width: 500px;
    padding: 30px 0;
    border: 1px solid #0066cc;

In this case, your element is 502px wide. Why? Because the border adds 1px on all four sides of the element, while the padding is applied only to top and bottom. Using tools like Firebug would visually demonstrate what's happening behind the scenes.

Looking at the second snippet with the following syntax:

.content-main {
    padding: 0 20px;
    border: 2px solid #00CC33;

Here, a 2px border is added to your element, but the padding now affects left and right instead of top and bottom. The calculation changes accordingly.

Finally, examining the last snippet:

.main {
    width: 500px;
    border: 1px solid #f00;

Only a border is applied here, causing the element to overflow due to the defined width of 500px. The padding set for the parent element nudges the child element by 20px from the left side. A Firebug screenshot illustrates this nudge.

Reason for the element sticking out of the parent in my example.

This occurs because a width of 500px is specified for the .main div.

Demo (Effects of removing the width)

The default box model is referred to as content-box

You can modify this by utilizing the new CSS3 property called box-sizing set to border-box. This alters the box-model to include the padding and border inside the element rather than outside.

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