Tips for appending the id of an active element to a URL

My goal was to include the id value of the active element in a URL and then redirect to that URL with a button click.


<div class="icon" tabindex="0" id="company">
    <img src="company.png">
<button type="submit" onclick="myFunction()">jump</button>


function myFunction(){
   var x =;
   location.href = "apps-online.html?page=" + x;

When clicking the button, my expectation was to be redirected to:


However, the url ended up being:


I'm puzzled as to why the value of x wasn't added to the url.

Hello everyone. I have now realized why this issue occurred. Each time the button is clicked, it becomes the last active element.

Is there a way to solve this and achieve my desired result?

Answer №1

Make sure to verify the value of x to see if it is empty. If x is empty, then the URL will have no value. Try troubleshooting the code or utilize console.log.

function myFunction(){
   var x =;
   location.href = "apps-online.html?page=" + x;

This will display the value of x in the console for verification purposes.

Answer №2

Looks like your button is missing an id.

Add id="company" to the button element.

<div class="icon" tabindex="0">
  <img src="company.png">
<button id="company" type="submit" onclick="myFunction()">jump</button>

Answer №3

When you press the button, the highlighted element is the button itself. Let's say you have multiple divs and you want to pass the id of the selected element. There needs to be a way to transfer the id to the function.

Check out the example below for one possible solution.


<div class="icon" tabindex="0" id="company">
    <img src="company.png">
<div class="icon" tabindex="1" id="something">
    <img src="something.png">
<button type="submit" onclick="myFunction()">jump</button>


let tabID = null;
let icons = document.getElementsByClassName('icon');

for (icon of icons) 
    icon.onclick = function() 
        tabID =;

function myFunction()
{"apps-online.html?page=" + tabID);

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