Arrange the div next to each other

Looking to position two divs side by side with widths totaling 100%? The left div will have a specified width in pixels that can change, while the right div should expand to fill the remaining space.

Having trouble with this layout? Check out my example on JSFiddle: Currently, the text in the "right" div is not lining up properly. I've experimented with using padding-left and float: left on the right div, but since the width of the left div varies, this approach isn't effective.

Any suggestions on how to achieve this layout?

Answer №1

Try out the following solution:

.right {
    width: auto;
    height: 200px;
    background-color: yellow;
    overflow: auto;

By adding overflow: auto to .right, you create a new block formatting context for .right, preventing its content from interfering with adjacent floated elements. Additionally, set the width to auto instead of 100% to ensure compatibility across different browsers. (A width of 100% may work in Firefox but not in Chrome or IE.)

Check out the demo here:

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