Are you seeing empty squares in place of Font Awesome icons?

If the Font Awesome icons are displaying as blank squares in all browsers despite correctly linking the stylesheet and attempting to install the package through npm which results in a npm ERR! code E401, it can be frustrating. Even after checking the browser developer console for error messages and finding none, the icons still refuse to show.

<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <h3 id="Website name">EVERYTHING CHEMISTRY</h3>
    <img id="Logo" src="icon.png" alt="Hydrogen atom">
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  <div class="Page Title">
    <h1 id="name">Periodic</h1>
    <h1 id="subname">Table</h1>
  <div class="Subheading">
    <h2 id="Subheading 1">118 Elements</h2>
    <h2 id="Subheading 2">7 Periods</h2>
  </div class="Body text">
  <p id="Translations">{Eng: Periodic Table; Arabic: الجدول الدوري; Afrikaans: Periodieke tabel; Mandarin: 周期表
    (zhōuqī biǎo); Urdu: پیرودیک ٹیبل.}</p>
  <p id="Definition">The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements, organized on the basis
    of their atomic number, electron configurations, and chemical properties. Elements are presented in rows
    (called periods) and columns (called groups or families) according to their increasing atomic number. The
    elements in a group have similar chemical and physical properties, and those in a period show a progression
    of properties as the atomic number increases. The table provides a useful summary of the properties of the
    elements and their chemical reactivity. It is widely used in chemistry and other sciences to predict the
    properties and behavior of elements and their compounds.</p>
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    <h1>You are down!</h1>

Answer №1

Ensure that the class names you utilize are aligned with fontawesome v6. Be cautious as you may have an outdated version v5 integrated into your project; remember to match the icons classes with the correct version.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha512-MV7K8+y+gLIBoVD59lQIYicR65iaqukzvf/nwasF0nqhPay5w/9lJmVM2hMDcnK1OnMGCdVK+iQrJ7lzPJQd1w==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />
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    <h3 id="Website name">EVERYTHING CHEMISTRY</h3>
    <form class="example" action="action_page.php">
      <input type="text" placeholder="Search.." name="search">
      <button type="submit"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></button>
  <i class="fa-solid fa-angle-down"></i>

This link leads to the v5 icon set:

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