Applying CSS styles to my container through a button click event

Currently, I am attempting to apply a padding-top to my container when a button is clicked. Unfortunately, the padding-top is not being added as expected.

$('#login').on('click', function(){
   $('#loginform1').css('padding-top', 120);        

Could there be an error in how I am implementing this?

Answer №1

You forgot to include the padding in pixels. Here's how you can do it,

 $('#loginform1').css('padding-top', '120px');  

The complete code should look like this,

$('#login').on('click', function(){
  $('#loginform1').css('padding-top', '120px');        

Although it's not necessary to specify the pixels as mentioned by another commenter, I recommend doing so to avoid any confusion with plain CSS. If there is a problem, it could be related to your ready handler. Try wrapping your code inside the document's ready event,

    $('#login').on('click', function(){
      $('#loginform1').css('padding-top', '120px');        

Answer №2


Check out this code snippet

 $('#submit').on('click', function(){
       $('#form1').css('padding-top', '100px');        

Interesting how it still works regardless of including px or not

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