Applying CSS selectively based on conditions with the SELECT OPTION statement

For my array of locations, I am attempting to style location two in a unique way - with a deleted look featuring a red background and white text that is crossed out. When this option is selected by the user, I want the closed dropdown to display the same red crossed out label.

This is the desired appearance when the dropdown is closed:

However, I have encountered two issues with my code. First, the text-decoration: line-through styling is not being applied to the option that should look deleted, despite the red background and white text being styled correctly by the .isDeleted CSS class.

Secondly, when the deleted option is selected, the closed dropdown does not reflect any of the option styling. Instead of appearing with a red background and white crossed out text as intended, the text is black with a white background.

The image below shows the dropdown open, with the cursor hovering over the first option highlighted in blue, while the deleted option is displayed in red without the necessary crossing out effect. I'm unsure why this is happening even though the class is being applied.

I also attempted adding the class styling to the select element instead of the option element, but this resulted in all options being changed once the deleted style was applied.

View the Plunker Demo

$scope.locations = [
    {"label":"123 Main St","locno":1,"deleted":false},
    {"label":"456 Main St","locno":2,"deleted":true},
    {"label":"789 Main St","locno":3,"deleted":false}

$scope.oItem = {"itemName":"Strawberry","locno":2};
    text-decoration: line-through !important;
    text-decoration: none;
<select  ng-model="oItem.locno">
    <option disabled value="">select location</option>
    <option ng-repeat="opt in locations" 
            ng-value="{{opt.locno}}" value="{{opt.locno}}" 
            ng-class="{'isDeleted':opt.deleted, 'isNotDeleted':!opt.deleted}">{{opt.label}} -- {{opt.deleted}}</option>

Answer №1

Unfortunately, the element select can be quite challenging to style due to its inherent nature.

Styling the select element consistently across different platforms is notoriously difficult. However, there are some workable styles that you can apply.


You may encounter limitations with CSS properties like text-decoration when styling the option elements within a select. One potential solution could be creating a custom directive in AngularJS to simulate the functionality of select/options or utilizing frameworks like Bootstrap.

To address the second issue, I have made adjustments to your code below:

<select  ng-model="oItem.locno" ng-class="styleOItem" class="selectedValueDeleted" ng-change="styleSelectOnChange()">
        <option disabled value="">select location</option>
        <option ng-repeat="opt in locations" 
                ng-value="{{opt.locno}}" value="{{opt.locno}}" 
                ng-class="{'isDeleted':opt.deleted, 'isNotDeleted':!opt.deleted}">{{opt.label}} -- {{opt.deleted}}</option>

Adjusted JavaScript code:

$scope.styleSelectOnChange = function() {
    angular.forEach($scope.locations, function(loopedObject) {
      if (loopedObject.locno === $scope.oItem.locno) {
        if (loopedObject.deleted) {
          $scope.styleOItem = "isDeleted";
        } else {
          $scope.styleOItem = "isNotDeleted";


Check out the Plunker for a live demonstration:

I have introduced the use of ng-class to dynamically apply classes based on certain conditions. The class determination logic is encapsulated within the 'ng-change' event handler of the 'select' element.

If you require further clarification or if I have misinterpreted your concerns, please let me know.

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