Applying a unique style to an element using its ID is effective, but using a class does

Incorporating twitter bootstrap tables has been a focus of mine lately, particularly when it comes to custom styling such as setting background colors for table elements.

Here's what I've discovered: by assigning id="foo" to each <td> element and including #foo { ... } in my stylesheet, I successfully achieved the desired style.

However, attempts to assign class="foo" to each <td> element and using .foo { ... } in my stylesheet were unsuccessful. I also experimented with trying to style using td { ... } and tr td { ... }, but those methods didn't work either.

I'm puzzled by this issue. My initial thought was maybe there was another class with the same name causing conflict, but unless there's a mysterious ".asdfasdfasdfasdf" class hiding in bootstrap, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Answer №1

It's difficult to determine the issue without viewing your code directly, but it is possible that a CSS rule with a higher specificity may be overriding your class. Use the "inspect" tool in your browser to identify which rule is conflicting with your CSS class.

The hierarchy of CSS precedence is structured as follows:

  • Element, Pseudo Element: 0,0,0,1
  • Class, Pseudo class, Attribute: 0,0,1,0
  • Id: 0,1,0,0
  • Inline Style: 1,0,0,0

For instance, a rule like #body table tr td {} will always take precedence over tr td {}, even surpassing body table tr td {} or tr td.someClass {}.

To delve deeper into this concept of specificity, visit this page: Understanding Style Precedence in CSS: Specificity, Inheritance, and the Cascade.

Answer №2

Make sure to prioritize the css values within your class by using the important keyword.

.bar { 
     background-color: red !important; 

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