Apply CSS styles conditionally to an Angular component

Depending on the variable value, I want to change the style of the p-autocomplete component.

A toggle input determines whether the variable is true or false.

  <div class="switch-inner">
     <p [ngClass]="{'businessG': !toggle }" class ="toggle-inline ">Business group</p>
     <div class="toggle-btn toggle-inline">
        <label class="switch">
        <input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="toggle">
        <span class="slider round"></span>
     <p [ngClass]="{'borrower': toggle }" class="toggle-inline">Borrower</p>

I then use this value to set the background color of my suggestion items on hover.

Currently, I am using a default color which I have customized using ::ngdeep.

::ng-deep .ui-autocomplete-list-item:hover{
    background-color: #24B3C7; // would change this to another color
    font-family: 'BNPPSans';
    border-radius: 0

The background color will be changed based on the value of the toggle variable.

Below is my component's HTML:

<div class="container" id ="inputSearchPage">
<div class="search-input col-md-6 col-sm-6 ui-fluid" >
   <p-autoComplete [(ngModel)]="text" [suggestions]="results" (completeMethod)="search($event)"
   [size] = "40"
   field = "name"
   <ng-template let-elm pTemplate="item" class="suggestion-item" >
      <div >{{}} ( ID: {{elm.code}} )</div>
      <div class="add-button">+</div>

How can I dynamically set the background color based on the toggle value? (If true, set

::ng-deep .ui-autocomplete-list-item:hover
background-color to color 1, else set it to color 2)

Answer №1

If you want to apply styles conditionally in Angular, you can utilize ngStyle. However, keep in mind that there is currently no built-in support for hover effects. As a workaround, you will need to use mouseenter and mouseleave events.

To achieve this, modify your html as follows:

[ngStyle]="(hover && toggle) ? { 'background-color': 'someColor' } : { 'background-color': 
'anotherColor' }" (mouseover)="hover=true" (mouseleave)="hover=false"

Answer №2

A great technique is to implement hostListeners for the events 'mouseenter' and 'mouseleave'

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