While working on my node.js website, I decided to run the npm run dev
script but encountered an error. Here is the output:
PS C:\Users\yairk\OneDrive\Desktop\personal-website-3D-main> npm run dev
> dev
> webpack serve --config ./bundler/webpack.dev.js
Project running at:
- http://localhost:8080
<i> [webpack-dev-server] Project is running at:
<i> [webpack-dev-server] On Your Network (IPv4):
<i> [webpack-dev-server] Content not from webpack is served from 'C:\Users\yairk\OneDrive\Desktop\personal-website-3D-main\static' directory
<i> [webpack-dev-middleware] wait until bundle finished: /
ERROR in ./src/script.ts
[tsl] ERROR
TS18002: The 'files' list in config file 'tsconfig.json' is empty.
ERROR in ./src/script.ts
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/ts-loader/index.js):
Error: error while parsing tsconfig.json
at Object.loader (C:\Users\yairk\OneDrive\Desktop\personal-website-3D-main\node_modules\ts-loader\dist\index.js:17:18)
webpack compiled with 2 errors
It seems like the tsconfig.json file is missing in the folders, causing these errors when running the website. Any suggestions on how to address this issue?