Animating or transitioning CSS keyframes to an inline value when the page is initially loaded

In my current project, I am working on creating HTML and CSS-based bar representations of percentage values. The structure of the code is as follows:

Using HTML:

<div class="chart">
  <div class="bar" style="width:43%"></div>

With CSS styling:

.chart {
  background-color: #DADADA;
  height: 2px;
  position: relative;

.chart .bar {
    background-color: #3D98C6;
    height: 100%;

The goal I have in mind is to initiate the bar width at 0% upon page load, then smoothly animate it to the specified inline value. I prefer having the value inline so that our backend developers can easily integrate Ruby on Rails to output the desired percentage within the view. My initial approach includes implementing transitions as shown below:

CSS Implementation:

.chart .bar {
  -moz-transition: width 1.25s linear;
  -webkit-transition: width 1.25s linear;
  -ms-transition: width 1.25s linear;
  -o-transition: width 1.25s linear;
  transition: width 1.25s linear;

body.jquery.csstransitions:not(.loaded) .chart-container .chart .bar {
  width: 0% !important;

Utilizing JavaScript:

$(function() {

  // Further down in the script


This method relies on jQuery to add classes "jquery" and "csstransitions" only if JavaScript is enabled and CSS transitions are supported by the browser. However, there is a potential risk of bars displaying with 0% width if the script breaks before adding the "loaded" class. To address this issue, I am considering utilizing CSS keyframe animations to achieve the same effect without depending on JavaScript.

By incorporating CSS-based animations from 0% width to the designated value, I aim to eliminate the variable of JavaScript errors impacting the functionality of the charts. This approach ensures a more reliable performance by either animating the bars seamlessly or loading them statically sans animation effects.

Is there a technique available to animate/transition width during page load while minimizing reliance on JavaScript?

Answer №1

After exploring the concept of CSS keyframe animations, it turns out that understanding them wasn't as challenging as I initially thought. These animations essentially apply styles conditionally based on time and then transition smoothly between them. By omitting a style for a specific keyframe, the subsequent applied style seamlessly animates into place where the empty style would have been. This allows for creative possibilities like the following:


<div class="chart">
  <div class="bar" style="width:43%;"></div>


@-moz-keyframes animate-bar {
    0%   { width: 0%; }

@-webkit-keyframes animate-bar {
    0%   { width: 0%; }

@-ms-keyframes animate-bar {
    0%   { width: 0%; }

@-o-keyframes animate-bar {
    0%   { width: 0%; }

@-keyframes animate-bar {
    0%   { width: 0%; }

.chart {
  background-color: #DADADA;
  height: 2px;
  position: relative;

.chart .bar {
  background-color: #3D98C6;
  height: 100%;
  -moz-animation: animate-bar 1.25s 1 linear;
  -webkit-animation: animate-bar 1.25s 1 linear;
  -ms-animation: animate-bar 1.25s 1 linear;
  -o-animation: animate-bar 1.25s 1 linear;
  animation: animate-bar 1.25s 1 linear;

This approach allows the initial animation percentage of 0% to smoothly transition to the inline style specified, showcasing how the absence of a finishing style results in the next applicable style taking precedence.


To provide further clarity, I've assembled a JS Fiddle example for reference purposes.

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