Having trouble getting the same styles to show up on .class::before and .class::after elements, even though I've applied them. The changes aren't reflecting on the live server

Currently, I am working on a project that involves an ordered list (ol), and I am trying to add pseudo elements (::before,::after) to enhance its appearance. Strangely, when I write ::before and ::after separately, the styles are applied and visible on the server. However, when combined in one class, the changes do not show up on the live server. Below, you will find my code snippet along with screenshots from the live server.

Here is my code:

.cinema-seats__list:first-child::after {
  content: "1";

If I remove .cinema-seats__list:first-child::after from the code, it starts working properly.

.cinema-seats__list {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between ;
  list-style: none;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

Answer №1

.film-seating__list:first-child::after {
      content: "1";

Remember to add a comma(,) on each line as demonstrated in the code snippet above.

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