Animated FAB button for concealing and revealing actions

I am working with Angular2 to create a series of FAB Buttons. I would like to incorporate animations so that they are displayed in sequence for the hide and show actions. Can anyone provide guidance on how to achieve this using animations?

 <button md-mini-fab class="md-fab md-raised md-primary" aria-label="New Task" [disabled]="!this.isPermission" (click)='FabToggle = !FabToggle'>
    <md-icon style="color:white;">menu</md-icon>

<div class="fab-actions" [ngClass]="{'fabActionsHide':!FabToggle,'fabActionsShow':FabToggle}">
    <button md-mini-fab class="md-fab md-raised md-primary" (click)='reloadApi()'>
        <md-icon svgIcon="refresh"></md-icon>
    <button [disabled]="!this.isPermission" md-mini-fab class="md-fab md-raised md-primary" (click)='generatePDF()'>
        <md-icon svgIcon="pdf"></md-icon>

    <button [disabled]="!this.isPermission" md-mini-fab class="md-fab md-raised md-primary" (click)='generateCSV()'>
        <md-icon svgIcon="csv"></md-icon>

    <button [disabled]="!this.isPermission || !checkin_entries" md-mini-fab class="md-fab md-raised md-primary" (click)=";FabToggle = !FabToggle">
        <md-icon style="color:white;">add</md-icon>

Answer №1

After exploring your query extensively, I stumbled upon this solution. Since I am unable to respond directly in the comments section, I'm sharing it here as an answer.

(Floating Action Button accessible via click) Section

Take a look at this resource

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