Animate the toggling of classes in jQuery

Here is a code snippet that I came across:

$('li input:checked').click(function() {
    $(this).parent().parent().toggleClass("uncheckedBoxBGColor", 1000);

This code is functioning correctly when the element is clicked for the first time. It smoothly fades the background color, but on subsequent clicks, it delays for 1000 ms before flashing to the other background color. My goal is to have the animation trigger every time the element is clicked, not just the first time, regardless of whether or not it already has the designated class applied.

Answer №1

Implementing CSS transitions to achieve this effect is quite simple:


$('li input:checked').click(function() {
    $(this).parent().parent().toggleClass("uncheckedBoxBGColor", 1000);


.uncheckedBoxBGColor {
  background-color: teal;
  /*additional properties*/
  transition: background-color .3s;

By applying the above code, the transition effect will activate when the specific class is activated. If the class is not present, the transitions will not occur. To have transitions for all <LI> elements universally, modify the CSS as shown below:


li { transition: background-color .3s; }

Alternatively, if you want the transition effect to apply to <INPUT> elements within an <LI><INPUT> combination, use this CSS snippet:

li input { transition: background-color .3s; }

This concept can be extended as needed.

Answer №3

It could be that the issue is related to your implementation of "input:checked"

Give this a shot

     $('li input[type=checkbox]').click(function () {
            $(this).parent().parent().toggleClass("uncheckedBoxBGColor", 1000);

Personally, this solution has worked for me.

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