Angular's browser animation feature allows for smooth slide-up animations from the bottom

I have been experimenting with creating a simple animation, and it's working, but in the opposite direction of what I intended. I want the div to open from bottom to top and close from top to bottom.

Here is my animation code in Angular:

animations: [
    trigger('inOutAnimation', [
      transition(':enter', [
        style({ height: 0, opacity: 0}),
        animate('1s linear ', style({ height: 318, opacity: 1 })),
      transition(':leave', [
        style({ height: 318, opacity: 1 }),
        animate('1s linear', style({ height: 0, opacity: 0 })),

The div I am animating has a position absolute while its parent has a relative position. I've tried searching online for ways to reverse the animation, but nothing like animation-direction: reverse; seems to work. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

A more effective approach would be to define the state and transitions as follows:

 animations: [
trigger('inOutAnimation', [
  state('inState', style({ bottom: 0, opacity: 1 })),
  state('outState', style({ bottom: -100px, opacity: 0})),
  transition('inactive => active', [
    animate('1s linear', inState),
  transition('active => inactive', [
    animate('1s linear', outState),

You can then programmatically change the value of inOutAnimation from active to inactive. It is also recommended to use the bottom CSS property instead of height.

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