Angular single page application with a sleek, user-friendly navigation bar for easy browsing

I have been attempting to solve the issue at hand without much success. As a newcomer to web development, I have been working on creating a basic app using angularjs and bootstrap. My pages are fairly sparse, consisting only of a few inputs and buttons that currently serve no function. I followed the tutorials by placing ng-view in the main index.html file, enabling navigation throughout my app. Now, I am trying to implement a consistent navigation bar for all pages once a user is logged in. To achieve this, I added another ng-view on the home page that appears after logging in. However, it seems that angular restricts apps to a single view and does not allow nested apps. This was my understanding based on information from various Google searches. Therefore, my query is: how can I include a navigation bar (or any other consistent HTML content) across all pages post-login without duplicating code in each separate html file? On a side note, I managed to accomplish this task with jQuery, but I am unsure how to replicate it using angularjs. Thank you!

Answer №1

One effective way to enhance your AngularJS application is to utilize custom directives as explained in this insightful tutorial on custom directives. By incorporating a template, you can create a unique tag and designate a controller solely for this directive. Implementing this tag across all pages during the login process can significantly improve user experience.

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