Angular - issue with getting window.screen.height in template

One issue I'm facing is when attempting to optimize a section of my template for mobile devices in landscape mode.


window = window;


<div [ngStyle]="{'height': window.innerHeight < window.innerWidth ?
 window.screen.height : (widget == 'playlist' ? '334px' : '275px')}">

Despite logging good values for window.screen.height, I'm not getting any output from it. I tried using it as a value, but the result remained the same.

Answer №1

It seems like you forgot to specify the unit for the style property height. You can use pixels px, percentage %, or other units. For example, I have added the pixel unit in this code snippet:

 <div [ngStyle]="{'height': window.innerHeight < window.innerWidth ?
    window.screen.height + 'px' : (widget == 'playlist' ? '334px' : '275px')}">

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