I'm currently in the process of developing a new web application using Yeoman. I have used this method before and it worked perfectly fine, but this time I seem to be facing an issue where the Bootstrap styling is not being applied. I'm uncertain as to why this is happening. Below is an image showing how the app looks when I run grunt serve
Here's the Gruntfile:
// Code generated on 2015-07-16 using generator-angular 0.11.1
'use strict';
// # Globbing
// For performance reasons, we are only matching one level down:
// 'test/spec/{,*/}*.js'
// Use this if you want to recursively match all subfolders:
// 'test/spec/**/*.js'
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// Automatically load grunt tasks
// Time tasks for optimization
// Configuration paths for the application
var appConfig = {
app: require('./bower.json').appPath || 'app',
dist: 'dist'
// Define configuration for all tasks
// Application settings
yeoman: appConfig,
grunt.registerTask('serve', 'Compile then start a connect web server', function (target) {
if (target === 'dist') {
return grunt.task.run(['build', 'connect:dist:keepalive']);
grunt.registerTask('server', 'DEPRECATED TASK. Use the "serve" task instead', function (target) {
grunt.log.warn('The `server` task has been deprecated. Use `grunt serve` to start a server.');
grunt.task.run(['serve:' + target]);
grunt.registerTask('test', [
grunt.registerTask('build', [
grunt.registerTask('default', [