Angular animations do not seem to be functioning properly with ng-show when changing the class using ng-class

I need assistance in creating a slider for a list of objects using ng-show and animations. The current setup works smoothly when the objects slide in one direction.

However, I am facing issues when trying to implement the functionality for users to slide the objects left or right by changing classes with ng-class. This is causing the animations to fail.

Below is the HTML code for handling the left/right sliding:

<div class="slide-holder">
  <ul class="slide-list">
    <li class="slide-object" ng-show="directionElement == 0" ng-class="{'slide-object-left': direction === 'left', 'slide-object-right': direction === 'right'}">
      Hello There 1! How are you?</li>
    <li class="slide-object" ng-show="directionElement == 1" ng-class="{'slide-object-left': direction === 'left', 'slide-object-right': direction === 'right'}">
      Hello There 2! How are you?</li>
    <li class="slide-object" ng-show="directionElement == 2" ng-class="{'slide-object-left': direction === 'left', 'slide-object-right': direction === 'right'}">
      Hello There 3! How are you?</li>
    <li class="slide-object" ng-show="directionElement == 3" ng-class="{'slide-object-left': direction === 'left', 'slide-object-right': direction === 'right'}">
      Hello There 4! How are you?</li>

The controller functions responsible for changing the direction are as follows:

$scope.left = function() {
  $scope.direction === 'left'
  if($scope.directionElement > 0)
    $scope.directionElement = $scope.directionElement - 1;

$scope.right = function() {
  $scope.direction === 'right'
  if($scope.directionElement < 3)
  $scope.directionElement = $scope.directionElement + 1;

Here is the CSS code for transitions:, {
  -webkit-transition:0.5s linear all;
  -moz-transition:0.5s linear all;
  -o-transition:0.5s linear all;
  transition:0.5s linear all;

} {
}, {
} {

To view both cases in action, I have created a plnkr demonstration:

UPDATE 1: I have rectified the '===' error in the controller which caused the direction switching problem, based on the feedback from Theoretisch. Nevertheless, the main issue with ng-class and animations persists. Here is the updated plnkr link for reference:

Answer №1

The issue causing the animation to not work is due to the use of === in your controller functions.

Instead of ===, you should use just = as you are not comparing $scope.direction with a string.

$scope.left = function() {
  $scope.direction = 'left'
  if($scope.directionElement > 0)
    $scope.directionElement = $scope.directionElement - 1;

$scope.right = function() {
  $scope.direction = 'right'
  if($scope.directionElement < 3)
    $scope.directionElement = $scope.directionElement + 1;

With this change, the animation should work properly once again. However, there are additional adjustments needed for a smooth and accurate animation. For example, modifying your CSS can help enhance the animation quality.

To correct this, make the following updates: {
}, {
} {
} {
}, {
} {

I have changed right to left and adjusted the signs accordingly. You can view the updated Plunk with my modifications HERE.

EDIT: The animation may be glitchy due to the use of ng-class. I removed it and made edits to your ng-show. Check out the revised Plunk HERE. It's not a perfect solution, but hopefully it resolves your issue for now. (You could potentially enhance it using THIS fiddle)

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