Anchor elements are not enclosed by borders

I seem to be overlooking something obvious here, so my apologies in advance. I have the following HTML code and I am trying to use a CSS rule to add a border around the "third-content-wrapper" class. However, the border is only applied to the text and not around the images as I had anticipated. Any ideas on what I might be missing? I could work around this issue by adding a paragraph after the images, but I would prefer to avoid that if possible. Thanks, Alex

<div class="third-content">

 <div class="third-content-wrapper">
    <h2> Interests </h2>
        <p> I enjoy staying active by running, circuit training, and going to the gym. I also love playing tennis, badminton, and table tennis. In addition, I play guitar and have a passion for landscape painting, having studied art at A-Level and GCSE.

  <div id="images-interests">       
    <a href="images/badminton.jpg"> <img src="images/badminton.jpg"> </a>
    <a href="images/guitar.jpg"> <img src="images/guitar.jpg"> </a>
    <a href="images/tennis.jpg"> <img src="images/tennis.jpg"> </a>
    <a href="images/painting1.jpg"> <img src="images/painting1.jpg"> </a>


        border: solid 2px rgba(211,211,211,0.7);
        padding: 10px 30px;


Answer №1

After mentioning using the HTML code below and attempting to apply a CSS rule to place a border around the "third-content-wrapper" class, it seems that the border is only applied to the text and images as expected.

I noticed you were aiming to have the border around the third-content-wrapper, but it appears differently than what you wanted. Maybe something like this could be more aligned with your expectations:

  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

.third-content-wrapper {
  border: solid 2px rgba(211,211,211,0.7);
  padding: 10px 30px;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100vh;
<div class="third-content">
 <div class="third-content-wrapper">
    <h2> Interests </h2>
    <p> Enjoying staying active by running, circuit training and attending the gym. Enjoy playing tennis, Badminton & Table tennis. I play guitar and also enjoy landscape painting having done art at A-Level and GCSE.<p>

    <div id="images-interests">       
      <a href="images/badminton.jpg"> <img src="images/badminton.jpg"> </a>
      <a href="images/guitar.jpg"> <img src="images/guitar.jpg"> </a>
      <a href="images/tennis.jpg"> <img src="images/tennis.jpg"> </a>
      <a href="images/painting1.jpg"> <img src="images/painting1.jpg"> </a>

The outcome is quite similar, however, when viewed in full screen mode, the alignment may not be exactly as desired. You can adjust the dimensions and consider centering the div within the border for a better result. For instance:

  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

.third-content {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    flex-direction: column;

.third-content-wrapper {
  border: solid 2px rgba(211,211,211,0.7);
  padding: 10px 30px;
  width: 75%;
  height: 100vh;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  flex-direction: column;
<div class="third-content">
 <div class="third-content-wrapper">
    <h2> Interests </h2>
    <p> Enjoying staying active by running, circuit training and attending the gym. Enjoy playing tennis, Badminton & Table tennis. I play guitar and also enjoy landscape painting having done art at A-Level and GCSE.<p>

    <div id="images-interests">       
      <a href="images/badminton.jpg"> <img src="images/badminton.jpg"> </a>
      <a href="images/guitar.jpg"> <img src="images/guitar.jpg"> </a>
      <a href="images/tennis.jpg"> <img src="images/tennis.jpg"> </a>
      <a href="images/painting1.jpg"> <img src="images/painting1.jpg"> </a>

For additional information on flex-box, you can visit:

Just to note, the approach I took with flex-box can be achieved in a more refined manner :P

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