Analyzing the browser's address bar and creating a navigation link derived from it

Is there a way to create a script that can extract information from the address bar?

For example, if we have a link like this:

We want to be able to take the "page-2011" part and dynamically generate navigation links like this:

« <a href="/page-2010">Previous</a>|<a href="/page-2012">Next</a> »

This would save us from creating hundreds of navigation links manually. To make things more challenging, the sidebar is on a separate page that is loaded when the main page loads. Here's the link to the actual page that contains the sidebar content: . This sidebar page is pulled every time a new page is loaded.

Answer №1

Retrieve details about the current document location by using the Window.location read-only property.

javascript Window.location

var url1 = window.location;            //returns the url as an object
var url2 = window.location.href;       //returns the url string
var url3 = window.location.pathname;   //returns the url path

Utilize the split() method to divide a String object into an array of strings by separating substrings.

javascript .split()

To split the URL, use .split("-"). For example, if all pages are in the format /page-2, this will return an object {"page","2"}

var pathSplit = url3.split("-");       //returns {"page","2"} from page-2

The slice() method isolates a part of a string and gives a new string.

javascript .slice()

If your path ends with a /, you can utilize .slice() to remove the last character.

var pathSplice = url3.slice(0,-1);     //returns /page-2 from /page-2/
var pathSplit = pathSplice.split("-"); //returns {"/page","2"} from /page-2

To extract the page number 2, access the index 1 of the pathSplit object, parse the number as an integer, and perform necessary calculations for desired pages.

var pageNum = parseInt(pathSplit[1]);
var prevPage = 0,
    nextPage = 0;
if(isNaN(pageNum) === false){
    prevPage = pageNum - 1;    //returns 1 from 2
    nextPage = pageNum + 1;    //returns 3 from 2

[Element.setAttribute()]Modify the value of an attribute on a specified element. Update or add attributes as needed.

javascript .setAttribute()

To update anchor tags <a></a>, follow these steps

var prevLink = document.querySelector(".prev-link");
var nextLink = document.querySelector(".next-link");
prevLink.setAttribute("href", "/page-" + prevPage.toString());
nextLink.setAttribute("href", "/page-" + nextPage.toString());

REMINDER: Remember to assign classes or IDs to previous and next page links.

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