An interesting quirk within CSS is that when a field is hidden, it can

I am currently developing a Chrome extension to modify certain text fields, but I have run into an issue. Specifically, I need to hide the "Stato" field so I implemented the following CSS code:

Although this successfully hides the "Stato" field, it also unexpectedly hides the first field labeled "Consulenti." I am unsure why this is happening as they do not share the same data-test-item or other similar attributes.

Do you have any insights into why this behavior is occurring? Thank you in advance for your attention and assistance!

EDIT: Below is the code related to the "Consulenti" field. The purple highlighting indicates that there is an active function changing the text from "Agenti" to "Consulenti," but even with this function disabled, the text still disappears. Thus, I believe this does not impact the issue at hand.

Answer №1

Have you attempted utilizing the identical identifier?

Answer №2

visibility: hidden !important;

Have you attempted this approach?

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