An effective technique for preloading high-resolution images

I'm in the process of developing a website that features a slideshow with numerous high-resolution images. To ensure smooth and seamless user experience, I wanted to preload these images so that there is minimal loading time or lag when users navigate through the site. After researching various methods, I stumbled upon this resource and decided to implement JavaScript Method #1 as instructed on the page.

<div class="hidden">
        var images = new Array()
        function preload() {
            for (i = 0; i < preload.arguments.length; i++) {
                images[i] = new Image()
                images[i].src = preload.arguments[i]
        // List of image paths to be preloaded
            // More image paths...

However, due to the large file sizes of the images, it has significantly increased the site's loading time. Even after optimizing the images, PageSpeed analysis still rated the site with a low score. The total size of all images combined amounts to 13.8 MB, down from over 50 MB previously.

Are there more efficient techniques to preload such massive images? You can view the website at this live link.


Here's the approach I decided to experiment with based on the recommended solution below:

$(window).on('load', function() {
    function preload(imageArray, index) {
            index = index || 0;
            if (imageArray && imageArray.length > index) {
                var img = new Image ();
                img.onload = function() {
                    preload(imageArray, index + 1);
                img.src = images[index]['serving_url'];
    /* 'images' is an array containing image metadata */

var images = [

I'm unsure about what should be placed within the serving_url parameter.

Answer №1

When dealing with a situation like this, it is crucial to prioritize the loading of images based on user behavior. For instance, in a slider, certain images will likely be needed before others.

If you load all image objects at once by adding src attributes in a loop, the browser will attempt to download multiple images simultaneously, potentially causing delays in loading the necessary image promptly. To preload an entire gallery, it is more effective to download images sequentially.

For further information and code examples on this specific issue, refer to this recent article:

Answer №2

No need to load all the images at once.

Determine how many images are visible simultaneously and only preload those initial ones.

After the site has loaded, begin loading the remaining images in sequence.

This approach will result in a quicker site load time. In essence, only load the necessary assets for the page to display correctly during the initial load.

Answer №3

It is advisable to wait for the page to completely load before preloading.

window.onload = function (){

  //preloading code


Answer №4

To optimize your slideshow performance, it is recommended to preload the initial slide along with the adjacent slides. Upon transitioning to a new slide, ensure that both the next and previous slides are preloaded. If they have not been preloaded, delay the transition until they are fully loaded before proceeding.

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