Improving Performance in JavaScript by Altering Class Properties

I need to dynamically change the color properties of two classes, but my current code is sluggish since these classes are repeated over 100 times throughout the code.

Any tips on optimizing this for better performance?

if (mainColor) {
    var elColors = document.querySelectorAll('.color')
    elColors.forEach(el => = mainColor)
    var elBgColors = document.querySelectorAll('.bg-color')
    elBgColors.forEach(el => = mainColor)

(the user input provides the mainColor)

Answer №1

To maximize performance, it's best not to individually set styles for each element.

Instead, assign a new class to the parent element.

For instance:

In a dynamic manner - Using JavaScript:

var styles = document.querySelector('head style#dynamic'),

if (!styles) {
    styles = document.createElement('style'); = 'dynamic';

sheet = styles.sheet;
sheet.insertRule("body.mainTheme .color { color: red; }", 0);
sheet.insertRule("body.mainTheme .bg-color { background-color: blue }", 0);

if (!document.body.className.match(/(^|\s)mainTheme(\s|$)/s)) {
    document.body.className = document.body.className + " mainTheme";

In a static manner - JavaScript Section:

// jQuery: $('body').addClass('mainTheme');
if (!document.body.className.match(/(^|\s)mainTheme(\s|$)/s)) {
    document.body.className = document.body.className + " mainTheme";

In a static manner - CSS Section:

.mainTheme .color {
    color: red;
.mainTheme .bg-color {
    background-color: blue

Answer №2

Although you've already approved a satisfactory answer, it's beneficial to introduce another alternative that makes use of CSS custom properties. This method involves updating a custom property (referred to as a 'CSS variable') in one central location so that the change is reflected wherever that custom property is utilized:

function updateColors(mainColor) {
  if (mainColor) {
    let root = document.querySelector(':root');'--customColor', mainColor);

document.querySelector('input[type=color]').addEventListener('input', function(){
:root {
  --customColor: red;

body {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr);
  grid-gap: 10px;

div.color {
  color: var(--customColor);
} {
  background-color: var(--customColor);
<label><input type="color" /></label>
<div>no class</div>
<div class="color">'color'</div>
... (remaining code snippets omitted for brevity) ... 

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