An Ajax request deletes interface components

Encountering an issue with form data submission to the server through AJAX. After passing the data, the account view-component reloads, but without the responsive UI controls. See the problem demonstrated

While the responsive controls still function when resizing the page past mobile view-width and back, the plus/minus icons disappear upon form submission, affecting the dropdown functionality on mobile devices. Here's how it appears on desktop:

Check out the jQuery code below for the AJAX Post and responsive layout:


$('#AccountListContainer').on('submit', 'form' ,function (e) {

var container = $("#AccountListContainer")
var dataToSend = $(this).serialize()

    type: 'POST',
    url: $(this).attr('action'),
    data: dataToSend,
    context: AccountListContainer,

    success: function (data) {
        displayMessage(data.result, data.message)  
        //$.get("/Bank/UpdateAccountList", function (data) { container.html(data) })

        console.log('Ajax post success')

    error: function () {
        console.log('Throw Error')
        //throw Error page?

Responsive layout


//Function for responsive table
function responsiveTransactionTable() {
    var isMobile = false
    var collapsibleHeadings = $('thead > tr').children().filter('.collapsible')

    //Toggle between desktop and mobile layout
    function toggleTableLayout() {
        var wWidth = $(window).width();

        if (wWidth >= 992) {
            console.log('You\'re in Desktop view')

            if (isMobile == true) {

                isMobile = false

        } else {
            console.log('You\'re in mobile view')

            if (isMobile == false) {
                $(' > td:first-child').prepend('<span style="padding:5px" class="fas fa-plus toggle-button "></span>')
                isMobile = true

            //Add click event for displaying hidden records in dropdown
            $('tbody > tr').unbind('click').bind('click.', function (e) {

                var selectedRow = $(this)
                var toggleIcon = selectedRow.find('.fas')

                if (selectedRow.hasClass('opened')) {

                } else {

                    var newRow = $('<tr>').addClass('subData')
                    var cols = "";

                    cols += "<td colspan='100%'>"
                    cols += "<div style='dispaly:block'>"
                    cols += "<table class='table'>"

                    selectedRow.children().filter('.collapsible').each(function (index) {
                        cols += "<tr>"
                        cols += "<th>" + collapsibleHeadings.eq(index).text() + "</th>"
                        cols += "<td>" + $(this).text() + "</td>"
                        cols += "</tr>"

                    cols += "</table>"




    $('#AccountListContainer').on('', '.collapse', function () {

    }).on('', '.collapse', function () {

Seeking insight on resolving this issue encountered during AJAX post, where the plus/minus icons and dropdown functionality remain intact in mobile view. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.

Note: The error depicted in the demo GIF occurs when input == null and the records are dummy data.

Answer №1

Here is the solution I found:

I decided to utilize my ResponsiveTransactionTable() function as the second argument in jquery's .load()

$('#AccountListContainer').on('submit', 'form' ,function (e) {

var container = $("#AccountListContainer")
var dataToSend = $(this).serialize()

    type: 'POST',
    url: $(this).attr('action'),
    data: dataToSend,
    context: AccountListContainer,

    success: function (data) {
        displayMessage(data.result, data.message)  
        //$.get("/Bank/UpdateAccountList", function (data) { container.html(data) })
        $(container).load("/Bank/UpdateAccountList", function () {

        console.log('Ajax post success')

    error: function () {
        console.log('Throw Error')
        //throw Error page?


After implementing this change, here are the results:

A big thank you to @charlietfl for their helpful responses

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