Alternative method for concealing modal elements during initial page load

Picture a typical web application page that utilizes jQuery and Knockout to create modal dialogs for data editing. The process runs smoothly as the page loads, with the JS generating the dialogs when buttons are clicked. However, there is a slight issue where the elements in the div tags containing the HTML for the modals briefly flash before being hidden once again.

Even wrapping the script in $(document).ready() doesn't completely resolve this flashing behavior, as it simply delays manipulation until after the DOM has loaded. One workaround found is adding visibility: hidden; to the CSS class assigned to the modal divs, preventing them from appearing during page load. This method, however, makes all elements inside the modal controls invisible as well, requiring an additional line of code to make them visible when the dialog opens.

$modal.css('visibility', 'visible');

Although this solution does work, it raises the question of whether there is a better approach to hiding inputs, dropdowns, and text within modal controls on page load without relying on CSS adjustments when opening the dialog.

Answer №1

To conceal an element, include a new class in your style sheet named hidden.

   display: none;

By doing this, you can easily apply this class to other elements as well. If you are using Twitter Bootstrap, you can access this class here:

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