Altering Image Order Across Various Slides

I have customized a parallax website template that is divided into various sections and slides. I want to incorporate a fixed image sequence on each slide that animates based on the scroll position. With 91 images in the animation sequence, it moves quickly. To slow it down, I would like to display a frame for every 4 or 5 pixels of scroll movement. How can I achieve this?


    <!-- SECTIONS -->
        <section id="slide-1" class="homeSlideTall">
            <div class="bcg" data-center="background-position: 50% 0px;" data-bottom-top="background-position: 50% 100px;" data-top-bottom="background-position: 50% -200px;" data-anchor-target="#slide-1">
                <div class="hsContent" data-start="opacity: 1; top: 206px;" data-100-bottom="opacity: 1;top: 206px; left: 0px; width: 100%;" data-top-bottom="opacity: 0; top: -550" data-anchor-target="#slide-1">
                    <div class="boxScroll img" > 
                        <img src="/img/model/0.png" width="960" height="540" />
                    <div class="boxScroll" > 
                        <h2>Carried Away</h2>


        <section id="slide-3" class="homeSlideTall">
            <div class="bcg" data-center="background-position: 50% 0px;" data-bottom-top="background-position: 50% 10px;" data-top-bottom="background-position: 50% -10px;" data-anchor-target="#slide-3">
                <div class="hsContent" data-bottom-top="opacity: 0; top: 1000px" data-top="opacity: 1;  top: 206px; width: 100%;" data-100-bottom="opacity: 1;  position: fixed; top: 206px; width: 100%;" data-top-bottom="opacity: 0; top: -550"   data-anchor-target="#slide-3">
                    <div class="boxScroll img" > 
                        <img src="/img/model/0.png" width="960" height="540" />
                    <div class="boxScroll" > 


jQuery(window).on("scroll",function() {
    var n = $(window).scrollTop(),
    divOffset = $('#slide-1').offset().top,
    dist = (n - divOffset);
    if (dist <= 0) { var dist = 0; } // Check that value isn't smaller than   0
    if (dist >= 91) { var dist = 91; } // In case there aren't any more frames show the last one in the sequence
    jQuery("#slide-1 .boxScroll img").attr({src:"/img/model/"+dist+".png"});

Answer №1

After some searching, I finally found the solution I needed:

var initialPos = 0,
// animate per 10 pixels
increment = 10,
// starting point
step = 0;

$(window).scroll(function(event) {

//current position of the window
initialPos = $(this).scrollTop();

// calculating the appropriate step
step = Math.floor(initialPos / increment);

//determining the frame to animate to

Appreciate the help.

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