Alignment of the table with a fixed header and scrollable body

Currently, I am experiencing an issue with aligning a table. My aim is to have a fixed header and a scrollable body for the table. To do this, I have aligned the table header and body using:

display: table-header-group

For the table body, I have applied the following CSS properties:

<tbody class="scrollablebody">

.scrollablebody {
  display: block;  // if I remove this, the scroll bar does not appear, but I need it 
  overflow-y: auto;  
  max-height: 200px;

However, when I apply the above CSS to the table body, all alignments become disturbed. Is there a way to achieve this without messing up the alignment? Thank you in advance.

[jsfiddle] (

Answer №1

Just assigned unique identifiers to each table row element.


                <td id="name">Eve</td>
                <td id="lastname">Smith</td>
                <td id="id">0056</td>
                <td id="country">Canada</td>
                <td id="branch">Toronto</td>
                <td id="location">Toronto CN</td>
                <td id="cardno">98672</td>
                <td id="percent">75%</td>


#name {
    width: 13.2%;
#lastname {
    width: 12.9%;
#id {
    width: 22.8%;
#country {
    width: 10.5%;
#branch {
    width: 9.3%;
#location {
    width: 10.9%;
#cardno {
    width: 10.5%;
#percent {

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