Aligning text vertically in a dropdown menu using HTML and CSS

I am currently in the process of enhancing my website with drop-down menus, specifically from the gray buttons located at the top of the page. Using HTML and CSS lists (code provided below), I have successfully implemented the functionality. However, I am facing a challenge in vertically aligning the text within the drop-downs.

The current alignment works well for list items that span two lines, but single-line elements tend to align at the top.

I've experimented with inserting divs and applying vertical-align: middle to the CSS, but haven't observed any visible changes.


<nav id="main-nav">
    <ul id="nav-primary">


#main-nav {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 white;
    height: 53px;
    left: -3px;
    position: relative;
    top: 128px;
    width: 100%;

Answer №1

If you want to create space around specific elements on your webpage, consider using the following attribute in the HTML code with a custom pixel value:


To see an example, check out this fiddle: In the provided link, I applied the padding only to 'Buy Tickets' under 'Plan your visit', leaving all other elements unaffected.

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