Aligning text vertically in a div using Bootstrap, alongside additional content within the same div

I'm attempting to vertically align some text within a div that also contains an image. When I apply the classes "d-flex align-items-center," the text does move to the center, but it appears slightly shifted towards the top. How can I fix this issue?

Link to codepen:

You can find the content on Netlify by visiting the contacts section:

Below is the HTML and CSS code for reference:

Answer №1

Nadz is right, Bootstrap automatically includes a bottom margin through _reboot for all title tags. Instead of complicating things and deviating from Bootstrap's guidelines, simply apply the mb-0 class to your h2 element with the class content-title-white, and it will be centered.

By doing this, your h2 element will only retain the height of the text.

If you're not seeing the effect in your codepen because the info icon is missing, causing the text to dictate the container's height. Just inspect the live version using dev tools and add the mb-0 class to your h2 element, and you'll see the desired outcome.

Answer №2

Due to the addition of a margin-bottom: 0.5rem by Bootstrap, the text has been shifted slightly upwards.

.content-title-white {
    margin-bottom: 0 !important;

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