I created a new toolbar but I am having trouble aligning the elements on the same line in different positions such as left, center, and right.
Is there anyone who can provide guidance on how to achieve this alignment?
In my observation, elements with the label "Align left" are aligned to the left, those labeled "Align center" are aligned at the center, and those labeled "Align right" are aligned to the right.
I would appreciate any help or suggestions. Thank you!
<mat-sidenav-content fxFlexFill>
<mat-toolbar color="primary">
<button mat-icon-button (click)="sidenav.toggle()" fxShow="true" fxHide.gt-sm>
<div fxShow="true" fxHide.lt-md>
<a href="#" mat-button>Align left</a>
<a href="#" mat-button>Align left</a>
<a href="#" mat-button>Align center</a>
<a href="#" mat-button>Align center</a>
<a href="#" mat-button>Align right</a>
<a href="#" mat-button>Align right</a>