Align the headers of columns to the right in the AgGrid widget

Is there a way to align the column headers to the right in AgGrid without having to implement a custom header component? It seems like a lot of work for something that should be simple.

You can see an example here:

Here is an image showing what I want to achieve: Align price column heading to right to match alignment with cell contents

The libraries I am using are:

"ag-grid-angular": "21.2.1"

"ag-grid-community": "21.2.1"

Answer №1

To ensure that all column headers are aligned to the right:

defaultColDef: { headerClass: "ag-right-aligned-header"}

If you only want a specific column header to be aligned to the right:

{ headerName: "column_name", field: "field_name", headerClass: "ag-right-aligned-header" }

Answer №2

To achieve this effect, you should adjust the css file by making these two modifications. There is a small burger menu that becomes visible when hovered over.

::ng-deep .ag-cell-label-container{flex-direction: row}
::ng-deep .ag-header-cell-label { flex-direction: row-reverse; }

I have updated your stackblitz with these changes

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