After a group of floated items, there will be an automatic "clear: both" applied

Within my Content Management System, I have custom Elements that need to be floated next to each other. Instead of adding an extra div with a class of "clear", I want to automatically insert a clear: both at the end using CSS3.

I attempted this workaround for clear:both:

I am utilizing the + CSS Selector to target the last float Element. (Updated with various scenarios)

.float {
    float: left;
.float + .float::after {

    visibility: hidden;
    display: block;
    font-size: 0;
    content: " ";
    clear: both;
    height: 0;

However, the ::after content is being inserted inside the Div instead of after it. How can I achieve my goal of stopping floating when there are no more float elements?

Edit: I came up with a solution here: Is this method acceptable, or should I avoid it and just set clear: none; for every floated element on the entire site?

Answer №1

If the DIVs mentioned are enclosed within a container and you intend to clear the last element, another approach can be used as depicted in this example


<div class="container">
   <div class="box">1</div>
   <div class="box">2</div>
   <div>anything else</div>


.box {
    float: left;
.container div:last-child {
    clear: both;

Answer №2

Try out this clever trick: adjust the after element to occupy the full width, causing everything else to shift to the following line.

Cascading Style Sheets

.align {
text-align: center;
.align::after {
content: "";
clear: both;

Answer №3

The ::after pseudo-element adds a box inside the selected element, not after it, making it a child rather than a sibling. A child element cannot clear its floating parent; only a following sibling of the float or any of its parents can create clearance depending on the layout.

If you need to apply clearance only to the next non-floating element after multiple floats, use :not(.float):

.float {
    float: left;
.float + :not(.float) {
    clear: both;

If the floats are the last or only children of their parent, then you must give clearance to the element after the parent. In such cases, you will need to select the parent element. For instance:

.float {
    float: left;
.float + :not(.float),
.float-parent + div {
    clear: both;
<div class="float-parent">
  <div class="float">1</div>
  <div class="float">2</div>
  <div>clear inside parent</div>
<div class="float-parent">
  <div class="float">1</div>
  <div class="float">2</div>
  <div>clear outside parent</div>

Answer №4

Check out this method to reset any div that does not have the class .float

Take a look at this JSFiddle demo


    <div class="float">1</div>
    <div class="float">2</div>
    <div>anything other</div>
    <div class="float">1</div>
    <div class="float">2</div>
    <div>anything other</div>


.float {
    float: left;
div:not(.float) {
    clear: both;

To scope the div clearing to a specific parent element, just adjust the selector accordingly. For example:

#containingDiv div:not(.float) {
    clear: both;

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