My main project goal is to add interactivity to my circle chart image by changing the opacity of different sections upon mouseover. I have tried multiple methods, but still need help achieving this effect:
- One attempt involved image mapping the chart with each section as a separate map area, however, I couldn't figure out how to adjust the opacity of specific areas within one image using CSS.
- Another approach I took was cutting the chart into individual pieces, adjusting their opacity to 0.5 and saving them separately. Then, I mapped the original image and attempted to load the separate pieces on hover using CSS.
- For my final try, I saved each section of the chart as its own image and successfully changed opacity to 0.5 on hover using CSS. The only issue now is positioning these pieces in Dreamweaver to form a perfect circle.
Any guidance or advice would be greatly appreciated. I am open to learning JavaScript or jQuery to help accomplish this task.
Thank you
EDIT I have attached an image of the chart for reference: