Transforming external JavaScript and CSS scripts into HTML code

I am attempting to consolidate an external JS file and CSS file into a single HTML file by incorporating them internally in the HTML. While the CSS is functioning correctly with the style tag, the JS file seems to be causing some issues.

What adjustments should I make in order to properly connect these files?

Below is the external JS file that I obtained online:


    function variables(){
        var btn_start = document.getElementById("start");
        var btn_reset = document.getElementById("reset");
        var btn_check = document.getElementById("check");

        var main_div = document.getElementById("main-div");

        var guess_box = document.getElementById("guess-box");
        var all_guesses = document.getElementById("all-guesses");
        var high_or_low = document.getElementById("high-or-low");

        var random_num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;

        var count_guess = 1;
    function start() { = "visible";

    function checkGuess() {
        var your_guess = Number(guess_box.value);

        if (count_guess <= 10) {
            if (your_guess < random_num) {
                all_guesses.textContent += your_guess + " ";
                high_or_low.textContent = "Your Guess is Low";
                guess_box.value = '';
            else if (your_guess > random_num) {
                all_guesses.textContent += your_guess + " ";
                high_or_low.textContent = "Your Guess is High";
                guess_box.value = '';
            else {
                all_guesses.textContent += your_guess + " ";
                high_or_low.textContent = "Congratulations! You Guessed it Right.";
                guess_box.value = '';
        else {
            all_guesses.textContent += your_guess + " ";
            high_or_low.textContent = "Game Over! Sorry, your chances are over.";
            guess_box.value = '';

    function gameOver() {
        btn_check.disabled = true;
        guess_box.disabled = true;


Here is where the body is located:

      // What changes need to be made here?

Answer №1

To clean up the JavaScript file, eliminate the <script> tag.

Answer №2

It seems like you're looking to embed external JavaScript within your HTML using <script> tags.

To ensure it works correctly, make sure the script is placed after any DOM elements that are being assigned to variables or referenced in the JavaScript code. Otherwise, if the script comes before these elements, it will fail because it will try to access elements that haven't been created yet.

Additionally, ensure that the functions have access to the variables such as guess_box, main_div, etc. If not, the functions won't be able to perform their intended actions.

You can simplify the code by removing the function wrapper from variables() and assigning variables at the top of the script. This way, all functions will have access to these variables within their parent scope. Consider wrapping the code in an IIFE to avoid creating global variables.

<!doctype html>
<!-- head stuff -->


<!-- end-user visible DOM elements here before JS -->

(function (){
  var btn_start = document.getElementById("start");
  var btn_reset = document.getElementById("reset");
  var btn_check = document.getElementById("check");

  var main_div = document.getElementById("main-div");

  var guess_box = document.getElementById("guess-box");
  var all_guesses = document.getElementById("all-guesses");
  var high_or_low = document.getElementById("high-or-low");

  var random_num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;

  var count_guess = 1;
  function start() { = "visible";

  function checkGuess() {
    var your_guess = Number(guess_box.value);

    if (count_guess <= 10) {
      // Game logic
    else {
      // Game over logic

  function gameOver() {
      btn_check.disabled = true;
      guess_box.disabled = true;

Alternatively, you can place the JavaScript code in the head element and use an event listener to execute it once the DOM is fully loaded:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);

function init (){
  // Variable assignments and game logic
    Auto-run start() function here if needed
  function start() {
    // Start function logic

  function checkGuess() {
    // Check guess function logic

  function gameOver() {
      // Game over function logic


<!-- body content -->

Using an event listener to run your JavaScript code after the DOM has been parsed by the browser provides another approach to ensuring that the script executes correctly without relying on the order of elements in the HTML file.

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