Adjusting the size of the snap increments

When using gridstack, I have the ability to resize my widgets. However, I've noticed that when dragging on the widgets' handles, they snap to specific sizes, which seems to be a fixed amount. If I wanted to set the widget's size to something in between those specific sizes, it doesn't allow for that flexibility.

Is there a way to adjust the scaling so that the snapping occurs at smaller intervals?

I'm relatively new to this and have been experimenting with a demo I found on codepen, but haven't been able to figure out how to make these changes. Here is the HTML and CSS code snippets:

  <section class="darklue" id="demo">
    <div class="container">
 body {
  background: #2c3e50;
  color: #fff;


And here is the JavaScript code snippet:

 $(function() {
   var options = {
     float: true,
     width: 4,
     height: 4,
     animate: true,
     always_show_resize_handle: true,
     cellHeight: 110,
     verticalMargin: 18,
     horizontalMargin: 9,
     placeholder_class: 'grid-stack-placeholder',
     acceptWidgets: '.grid-stack-item'



Answer №1

Gridstack operates on a column framework, with the default setting of 12 columns. However, by applying some extra CSS tweaks, you can expand this number as needed. The gridstack options also allow for adjustments to the number of rows, providing flexibility in sizing and snapping capabilities.

For more information, please refer to and explore the minRow configuration option.

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