Adjusting the height of table rows based on the content within the <td> element

I am facing a challenge with a table that includes rows with 2 columns - one for images and the other for text. The issue arises when resizing large images in one column, causing the row to take its height from the image cell rather than the text cell. Since the amount of text in each row varies, assigning an explicit height is not feasible. How can I ensure that both the row and the image cell adjust their heights based on the text cell?

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="articleTable">
    <tr id="row-1" class="articleRow light" >
        <td class="imageCell" id="image-cell-1">
            <img src="images/Support/CFD.png" alt="" class=""/>
            <img src="images/Support/CFD3.png" alt=""  class="" />
        <td class="textCell" id="text-cell-1" >
            <div class="articleTextWrapper">

    <tr id="row-2" class="articleRow dark" style="">
        <td class="textCell" id="text-cell-2" >
            <div class="articleTextWrapper">
        <td class="imageCell"  id="image-cell-2">
            <img src="images/Support/TM2.png" alt=""   class="" />
            <img src="images/Support/TM1.png" alt=""   class=""/>

Answer №1

Perhaps you could use a Javascript method similar to this:

var cells = document.getElementsByClassName("textCell");
for(var j=0; j<cells.length; j++) {
    var height = cells[j].getElementsByClassName("articleTextWrapper")[0].offsetHeight;
    cells[j] = height + "px";

By doing this, you can give the <tr> a fixed height based on the text content in the cell, allowing you to adjust the image to full height accordingly.

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