Adjusting the height of an element based on changes in screen width or height using Angular

I'm in the process of developing a directive that can detect changes in screen size, either width or height, and adjust the height of my element accordingly.

The main goal is to have my element extend all the way to the bottom of the browser window.

This is the code for my directive:

.directive('strechToBottom', ['$document', '$window', function ($document, $window) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function (scope, element, attributes) {

            var space;

            scope.$watch(function () {
                return $window.innerHeight;
            }, function () {
                space = $window.innerHeight - element[0].offsetTop;
                element.css('min-height', space + "px");


Initially, everything works fine when the element is first created. However, the issue arises when I resize the screen - the function isn't triggered immediately. It seems like there's a delay before the function kicks in during the cycle, which is confusing to me.

I also attempted to listen for innerWidth changes, but that approach didn't yield any results either.

What could be causing this problem in my code?

Answer №1

When you bind to all scope digests, as seen by passing a function to `$scope.$watch` as the first argument, the function will execute in a non-deterministic manner from your perspective. Essentially, it will only run upon some interaction with the application (though this is a simplification).

If you want to do something when the viewport is resized, utilize the native `resize` event:

angular.element($window).on('resize', function () {
    $scope.$apply(function () {
        // ... add your code here

If the above method does not cover all instances of resizing that you need to monitor, you can continue with what you are currently doing and also trigger a `$digest()` on window resize:

angular.element($window).on('resize', function () {

However, keep in mind the potential performance consequences of binding functions to be executed during every digest cycle.

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