Adjusting Javascript code to convert numerical values in HTML table cells from thousands to millions

Does anyone know how to create a Javascript function for a web report that converts table values to thousands or millions by dividing or multiplying by 1000?

The issue is that each value is clickable, meaning it is wrapped in an anchor tag.

Is there a way to achieve this?

<table class="Table" >
  <th class="l Header" scope="col">£000s</th>
  <th class="l Header" scope="col">Col1</th>
  <th class="l Header" scope="col">Col2</th>
  <td class="l Data">   My Data Row </td>
  <td class="l Data">   <a class=nums href="javascript:MyFunc();">  11,372,397</a></td>
  <td class="l Data">   <a class=nums href="javascript:MyFunc();">  11,344,327</a></td>


I am using IE6. The goal is to have buttons for 'thousands' and 'millions' so that the table values can be displayed as 11,372k or 11.4m, etc.

Answer №1

If I were to choose a library, I'd go with jQuery

$(function (){
    $.each($('.nums'), function () {
        $(this).html(Number($(this).html().replace(/,/g,"")) /*your calculation here*/);

Regarding your recent revision: Feeling a bit bored, I whipped up this functional code snippet for you to play around with, rounding and adding commas as desired.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<table class="Table" >
  <th class="l Header" scope="col">£000s</th>
  <th class="l Header" scope="col">Col1</th>
  <th class="l Header" scope="col">Col2</th>
  <td class="l Data">   My Data Row </td>
  <td class="l Data">   <a class="nums" href="javascript:MyFunc();">  11,372,397</a></td>
  <td class="l Data">   <a class="nums" href="javascript:MyFunc();">  11,344,327</a></td>

<input type="button" onclick="toMillions();"> 
<input type="button" onclick="restore();"> 

<script type="text/javascript">

    $(function (){
        $.each($('.nums'), function () {
            $.data(this, "theValue", $(this).html());

    function toMillions(){
        $.each($('.nums'), function () {
            $(this).html(Number($.data(this,"theValue").replace(/,/g,"")) / 1000000 + ' million');

    function restore(){
        $.each($('.nums'), function () {

Answer №2

One approach could be to consider using document.getElementsByClassName('numbers'), as it will provide you with an array of the elements you need. Here is an example of how you could achieve this:

numbers = document.getElementsByClassName('numbers');
for (index in numbers)
   numbers[index].innerHTML = numbers[index] + ',000';

This method may be more compatible with newer browsers, so you might want to explore similar techniques in a javascript framework. For instance, jQuery offers a way to select elements by class name like so:


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