Similar Question and Answer
For a similar solution involving letterboxing scaling, check out the related question and answer:
- Resizing ComboBox by scaling screen size
Solution with Font Size Binding
To bind the font size to ensure it doesn't go below a minimum value, utilize the max method as shown in the code snippet below:
(JavaFX application code provided here)
The rest of this solution offers an alternative approach, but using font size binding can still be effective.
Another Approach: Scaling
An example inspired by DaveB's suggestion involves scaling the root element of the window using scaleX and scaleY attributes. For more information, refer to the updated solution in a previous question:
JavaFX fullscreen - resizing elements based upon screen size
The concept behind this scaling solution is detailed in the aforementioned answer, eliminating the need for repetition here.
Insights on UI Scaling
Different UI scaling approaches have their own merits and drawbacks, which are further discussed in other answers regarding interface scaling on this platform.
The recommended practice typically involves leveraging layout panes instead of font size-based or scaling-based methods unless specific scenarios necessitate scaling:
- Varying viewer-to-UI distance
- Accessibility requirements for larger UIs
- Viewport adjustment for detailed content
- Game-oriented UI designs
However, in windowed UI setups, maintaining consistent UI element scales is often preferable. Adjusting the UI content display based on window resize is favored over indiscriminate content scaling. Dramatic size shifts may prompt a complete overhaul of the UI design for optimal usability.
Considerations for Scaling Images
Bitmap images pose challenges when scaled up without sufficient resolution. Utilizing higher-resolution images or vector-based formats like SVG is advisable for quality enlargement. While JavaFX 23 lacks direct SVG support, incorporating SVG paths into JavaFX elements (like depicted in modena.css
) enables scalable graphics creation. Additionally, utilizing SVGPath shapes directly within JavaFX provides another avenue for scalable image representation.
Demonstration Screenshots
These screenshots showcase the letterboxing solution rather than the font size approach:
Default-sized UI (set as minimum size)
Full-screen UI presentation
Sample Code Snippets
(JavaFX application code provided here)
(JavaFX utility class code provided here)
(FXML file structure provided here)
Image asset referenced in the sample
CSS styling details mentioned in the demonstration