Adjustable Height Feature for JavaScript Pop-Up Windows

I'm looking to design a popup window that has a fixed width and a height that adjusts based on the user's screen size. Is this even possible? I've searched through various websites but haven't found a solution yet.

I came across a similar question about dynamic height for popups, but my requirement is different as I don't need it sized based on content.

Dynamic height for popups depending on content, is it possible?

The popup window is used for training purposes. It automatically resizes and is placed on one side of the screen, providing instructions on how to use an application that occupies the rest of the screen. The challenge lies in accommodating users with different monitor sizes and screen resolutions, although we primarily focus on IE11.

A quick disclaimer: I have minimal knowledge of JavaScript other than its existence and potential to meet my requirements. I am familiar with HTML & CSS. Here's what I've attempted so far, but I'm aware it may not be the correct approach:

    <a href="link.html" onclick="javascript:void'link.html','1429893142534','width=290,height=675,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0,status=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=0,left=0,top=0');return false;">Link</a>

I experimented with removing the height parameter entirely, but that didn't yield the desired result. The current height is based on the smallest screen size a user might have, which appears disproportionate on larger screens with higher resolutions. Perhaps there's an alternative to JavaScript that would be more effective?

Thank you in advance for any assistance!

Answer №1

Here is a different approach you can take:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<a href="" onclick="redirectToLink();">Click Here</a>
    function redirectToLink()
    {'newpage.html','1429893142534','width=' + (parseInt(window.innerWidth) * 0.4) + ',height=' + (parseInt(window.innerHeight) * .4) + ',toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0,status=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=0,left=0,top=0');
        return false;

Answer №2

<a href="page.html" onclick="javascript:void'page.html','1429893142534','scrollbars=1');return false;">Page</a>

This solution meets your needs and it has been tested successfully. For additional information, please visit this link

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