Adjustable design and content containment

Currently, I am exploring ways to utilize CSS in order to control the layout of my website effectively.

My goal is to have the main frame of the website contain and confine all content within it. However, since I have not written any code yet, allow me to illustrate my thoughts with a diagram...

In the example above, you can observe how the red box exceeded the boundaries of the website and disrupted the responsive design. This resulted in a fixed width for the red box, causing inconsistency with the rest of the site's responsiveness.

Is there a way to enclose the red box within the grey one? Ideally, this solution should be applicable to multiple red boxes without individual adjustments required.

I appreciate any guidance on this matter!

Answer №1

Consider utilizing a responsive design framework such as Foundation Foundation

Check out an example of a sticky footer here: Sticky Footer Example

For Sticky Navbar and Footer, take a look at this example: StickyNavbar-Footer

View a demo on JsFiddle here: JsFiddleDemo

html, body {
  height: 100%;

footer {
  position: fixed;
  bottom: 0;

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