Adjust the vertical size and smoothly lower a text input field

When a user clicks on a textarea, I want it to smoothly change height to 60px and slide down in one fluid animation.

Check out the JSFiddle example here:


<div class="container">
  <div class="well">
      <textarea style="width:462px" placeholder="Leave a comment..."></textarea>

Thank you! :)

Answer №1

If you're looking for the solution, the method to use is known as animate() and it has extensive documentation available.

Regarding your jsfiddle example, I have crafted the necessary jQuery code to showcase how the animate method works along with the focus() and blur() methods:

jQuery(document).ready(function ($){

    var element = $('.well textarea');
    var orig_height = element.height();
    var new_height = 60;

    // Event handler for when element is focused
    element.focus(function (){
        $(this).animate({height: new_height + 'px'});
    // Event handler for when element loses focus
    element.blur(function (){
        $(this).animate({height: orig_height + 'px'});

Answer №2

How about achieving a similar result as shown in this demo?

$('.toggle').click(function() {



Answer №3

This method proves to be more effective when used in animation...

$("textarea").on('focus',function (e, ui) {
        height: "60px"
    }, 1500);

Check out the jsFiddle Demo here

Answer №4

$('#comment').on('click', function () {

   $(this).fadeIn(2000, function() {
      $(this).css('width', '100px');

   $(this).focusout(function() {
      $(this).css('width', '50px');


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