Adjust the size of the text within the div element as needed

Here is my code on jsFiddle where I am dynamically changing the text font to fit in the div. Everything is working perfectly fine. Currently, the text is within a span element, but I would like to remove the span and have the same functionality. However, when I remove the span, the code stops working. I even modified the function from:

var ourText = $('span:visible:first', this);


 var ourText = $(targetid, this);

I tried using it as follows:

 <h1  id="h1" class='jtextfill'>
<h2 id="h2"  class='jtextfill2' >
   aaSamp sfd sdfsf sfsddffds ss ssf fsdf sdf sfs fsdfs sdfsdf sdf sdfsfsfsdfsdfsf sdf sfsf sfs sf sf sd  sfsf sfsdsfd sfdfdf a ada  adf ad adasda a adsa s sfzz

Unfortunately, it did not work as expected.

Answer №1

It seems like there is an issue with your jquery selectors. You should use $( "#"+targetid ) instead of $(targetid). The latter references tags related to the content of the parameter targetid, while using the hashtag symbol # before the id will help you reference ids correctly. This rule applies to jquery and css selectors, but not to the argument of getElementById. Check out this fiddle for a better understanding (This also applies to ourText = $('#'+targetid, this);).

Update: Here's a more streamlined version of the code.

If you're having trouble eliminating the 'span' element, keep in mind that you need it to extract height and width information. It's essential to have both the text element and the container defining the viewport for accurate fitting of your text.

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