Adjust the size of H1, H2... tags based on their own specifications, rather than the surrounding element

I have run into a bit of a conundrum with my code and cannot seem to find the right solution. Here is what I currently have:

<div id="bloquetexto4" class="bloquetexto">
<p>Texto bla bla bla.</p>

Also, here is the CSS associated with it:

.bloquetexto p { 
    font-size: 110%;
    color: orange;
.bloquetexto h2 { font-size: 90%; }

My issue lies in trying to adjust the size of the H2 element without affecting other text on the page. Currently, setting the font size to 90% results in a much smaller text size than intended (you can see this in action on JsFiddle It appears that the size is being calculated based on the parent element's font size rather than its own.

Is there a way to make the H2 size calculation based solely on itself, independent of other elements on the page? I simply want the H2 to be slightly smaller than usual, regardless of any surrounding text sizes.

Answer №1

When setting an H2 Element, most browsers have a standard setting which can be found at this link, with the default size being 1.5em;

 .bloquetexto p {
   font-size: 110%;
   color: orange;
 .bloquetexto h2 {
   font-size: 1.3em;
   /*Text is smaller than standard size of 1.5em;*/
<div id="bloquetexto4" class="bloquetexto">
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>

EDIT:: It's also recommended to use a "reset" stylesheet which can be quite useful as not all browsers are the same.

Answer №2

Opt for px, em or another unit, avoiding the use of %. This is important because using % will adjust according to the parent's height.

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