Adjust the $scope variable depending on the size of the screen

Currently, I have a sidebar that collapses based on the value in $scope, specifically when $ is set to true. However, I've noticed that if the menu is left open and viewed on mobile devices or small windows, it can look quite messy. To address this issue, I'm looking to automatically close the menu (by setting $ to false) when the user is on a mobile-sized device or using a smaller screen. While CSS typically handles responsiveness with media queries like @media..., I want to achieve a similar effect using a $scope variable.

In essence, I am seeking a solution that replicates the behavior of a media query but with my $ variable, ensuring that the menu closes when viewed on mobile. Any suggestions on how to approach this?

Answer №1

perhaps you could try this approach:

$ = $(document).height() > 500; // may vary

Answer №2

For those utilizing bootstrap, a recommended approach is to apply the classes hidden-xs and hidden-sm to the sidebar div.

By doing so, the sidebar will be concealed on mobile devices while remaining visible on screens with resolutions of ≥992px. This ensures that it maintains a polished appearance on larger devices.

Answer №3

Expanding on Luiz's response, a directive can be created as follows:

.directive('onloadDirective', function($window){
return {
   restrict: 'A',
   scope: {
      open: '='
   link: function(scope, elem, attrs){
      if ($window.innerWidth < 200) {
 = true;

Include the directive in the body tag or your ui-view, and bind it to your scope variable (avoid placing primitive values on the scope - Understanding the subtleties of scope prototypal / prototypical inheritance in AngularJS)

Answer №4

Consider implementing a directive to interact with the DOM using jQuery:

.directive('onloadDirective', function(){
return {
   restrict: 'A',
   scope: {
      open: '='
   link: function(scope, elem, attrs){
       $(window).load(function() {
           //access element
           var myElement = $("#myElement");
           if (myElement.width() > 100 && myElement.height() < 200) {
      = true;
           } else {
      = false;

} });

Alternative solution using vanilla JS and Angular:

    .directive('onloadDirective', function(){
return {
   restrict: 'A',
   scope: {
      open: '='
   link: function(scope, elem, attrs){
       window.onload = function() {
           //get width
           var w = window.innerWidth;
           if (w > 100 && w < 200) {
      = true;
           } else {
      = false;

} });

You can implement this directive in your HTML like so:

<body ng-controller="myController" onload-directive open="open">

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