Adjust the positioning of the share section to take up the entire width on mobile devices, while displaying differently

When attempting to position my share div to occupy the full width of one of its sibling (person) elements, I encountered some issues. The share div is designed to only display when a button is clicked. You can view the live version and see the problem by clicking on the share button. Additionally, I will provide a link to how I envision it should look like, as well as share my code. Here are the relevant links: Live Version - , GitHub Code -, Desired Look - . Please note that I am new to CSS and would appreciate any tips or feedback you may have.

Answer №1

To achieve the desired positioning in your

<div class="share active">
, you can simply add bottom: 130%; left: 74%;. However, your existing code may not be optimal for this task. It would be more ideal to wrap the bottom part within a flex container and use the second part of the flex as the parent element for positioning. This approach will make the process much simpler and more effective.

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