Adjust the position of an SVG element based on its size using a transformation

How can I offset an SVG element relative to its own size using translate with a percentage, similar to how we would offset a div using transform: translate(100%,0)? Here is an example:

This code:

  <div style={{ overflow: 'visible', position: 'relative' }}>
    {/* rect */}
    <div style={{ height: 20, width: 20, background: 'black', position: 'absolute' }} />
    {/* circle */}
        height: 20,
        width: 20,
        background: 'purple',
        borderRadius: '50%',
        position: 'absolute',
        transform: 'translate(100%,0)',

will look like this: The circle offset is relative to its own size.

However, in this case:

<svg overflow={'visible'}>
  <rect width={20} height={20} />
  <circle cx={10} cy={10} r="10" fill="purple" style={{ transform: 'translate(100%,0px)' }} />

the result will be different:

The issue here is that the circle is being offset relative to the size of the svg canvas, which was never explicitly set:

So, why does transform: 'translate(100%,0)' work relative to self in div html elements but relative to parent on SVG elements?

I have already tried wrapping g elements or svg elements as suggested in other answers, but no luck.

Instead of manually calculating dimensions using .getbBox() function and offsetting by pixels, I am looking for a simpler solution. Any ideas?


Answer №1

To ensure proper alignment, adjust the transform-box setting to fill-box. In React, remember to use camel case as shown below:

style={{ transform: "translate(100%,0px)", transformBox: "fill-box" }}

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